*Bamboo needs only sunlight and rainwater to grow. Therefore, no artificial watering is needed.
*Bamboo you cut off from the trunk and then grow again. Thus, the roots remain in the soil. This      ensures that the soil remains healthy and intact.
*Bamboo does not need pesticides, insecticides or fertilizers to grow.
*Bamboo can be harvested up to six times a year.

*Cotton is the largest consumer of water compared to all other textiles. One pair of cotton pants already requires 7,000 to 15,000 liters of water.
*Cotton production is responsible for using as much as 11% of all pesticides and 25% of all insecticides in the world.
*Repeated cultivation depletes the soil to the point of causing soil erosion.
*Cotton can only be harvested twice a year.

*Bamboo absorbs on average five times more CO2 than the same amount of trees.
*The bamboo we use is not eaten by the panda.
*Some bamboo species can grow up to a meter a day.
*There are several bamboo species that can grow more than 30 meters tall.
*There are as many as 1,575 different bamboo species.