Pavone's bamboo men's underwear works optimally for the skin condition Lichen Sclerosus because the men's briefs are equipped with a breathable section made of bamboo. This fabric feels like silk, absorbs and stays dry to the touch.

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Lichen Sclerosus is the name for a white skin condition in which the skin becomes thinner or thicker. It is most common on the genitals.
LS is a chronic inflammation of the skin that occurs mostly in women but is also seen in men and children.

The disease can manifest at any age, but is most commonly seen in middle-aged men and women. There is a slightly higher risk of developing cancer in the affected areas.


The cause is unknown to date, although there is some evidence that it is an autoimmune disease, meaning that the body's immune system does not function properly in the affected area, causing an inflammatory response.

What symptoms do you have?

Pain (raw distressing feeling)
Tightness of the skin

What can you see?

White skin
Thickening or thinning of the skin
Cracks or fissures
Blood blisters
Scarring may occur

Is more research needed?

If you think you have LS, examination by a doctor is definitely needed. Because of the slightly higher risk of developing vulvar cancer, you will need to be treated by a doctor. Usually the doctor will recognize LS after listening to your story and physical examination. If in doubt, a biopsy may be taken.

How do you get rid of it?

Lichen Sclerosus is not yet curable. So treatment is aimed at:

Reducing symptoms, i.e. less itching, pain and pain during intercourse
Prevention of change in anatomy/architecture
Reducing risk of cancer or its precursors.

Treatment consists of the thin application of corticosteroid (medicated) ointment and the use of oily ointments. You apply the corticosteroid (medicated) ointment according to a personal intermittent lubrication schedule.
Because Lichen Sclerosus is not curable, you must continue to lubricate with the medicinal ointment forever to prevent/reduce complications.

Studies have shown that Lichen Sclerosus patients who were compliant (applied according to schedule) achieved the following results.

less rapid flare-up of the LS
fewer anatomical abnormalities/changes
less risk of cancer

Pavone's bamboo men's underwear works optimally for the skin condition Lichen Sclerosus because the men's briefs are equipped with a breathable section made of bamboo. This fabric feels like silk, absorbs and stays dry to the touch. The Pavone underwear offers optimal wearing comfort and works absorbent/anti-leak which is ideal during the use of ointments.

In cooperation with the LS Foundation we offer a discount code of 25%: stichtinglspavone